Access MMFS eLearning, the MMFS Sheep health fact sheets, AWI & MLA's new suite of pregnancy scanning resources, and presentations and recordings from MMFS It’s ewe time! seminars across Australia.
MMFS eLearning
AWI and MLA have used their highly successful Making More From Sheep modules as the basis for a brand new eLearning course.
Accessible on both AWI and MLA’s eLearning platforms, the high-level, online Making More From Sheep course complements the full package of resources found here. It provides a flexible and easily digestible online learning format for a cross-section of stakeholders in the sheep and wool industries who are looking for a foundational overview of the best-practice principles that sit behind a sustainable and profitable sheep and wool operation.
AWI eLearning MLA eLearning
MMFS Sheep health fact sheets
Biosecurity, footrot, Johne’s disease and brucellosis
Clostridial diseases
Metabolic diseases
Trace element deficiencies
AWI and MLA Pregnancy scanning resources
Recently concluded AWI and MLA research found an average increase in profit of $5.55 per ewe when scanned for multiples and that information is used for management decisions.
Pregnancy scanning is an essential tool for improved ewe and lamb survival, so AWI and MLA have released new resources for sheep producers to get the most out of pregnancy scanning. Check them out below.
The value of pregnancy scanning

The results are in! Pregnancy scanning is an essential tool for improved ewe and lamb survival. Scanning has a high return on investment when the information from scanning is used to make selection decisions and optimise nutrition. A benefit-cost analysis (BCA) has demonstrated that scanning for multiples returns an average profit of $5.55/ewe and scanning for only pregnancy status returns $2.65/ewe.
Ewe scanning and management checklist

An easy-to-use checklist for ewe scanning and management from joining to lambing, including tips and tricks for getting the most out of your scanner.
Pregnancy scanning: an ultra-sound investment

Do you want to get the most out of your scanning results? Not yet scanning and want to know what all the fuss is about? This resource contains the most up-to-date benefit-cost analysis (BCA) for pregnancy scanning and a checklist to keep on track with key dates and opportunities in the reproduction calendar.
Resource guide for sheep reproduction

This handy collection of AWI and MLA resources, tools and workshops provides producers and advisors with key information for all stages of the sheep reproduction cycle. Many of the resources are available to download directly by clicking on their title or scanning the QR code, and most can be ordered in hard copy by contacting AWI or MLA.
The value of pregnancy scanning report – benefit-cost analysis methodology

A benefit-cost analysis (BCA) has demonstrated that scanning for multiples returns an average profit of $5.55/ewe and scanning for only pregnancy status returns $2.65/ewe.
Read more on the methodology used in the modelling, including the regions and time of lambing.
AWI pregnancy scanning MLA pregnancy scanning
MMFS It’s ewe time! recordings & presentations
It’s ewe time! Campbell Town, Tasmania – June 2019

It’s ewe time! Armidale, NSW – April 2019

Joe Gebbels, Meat & Livestock Australia

Megan Rogers, SheepSMART Solutions

Jason Trompf, JT Agri-Solutions

Geoff Duddy, Sheep Solutions

Scott Carmody, Wool Trade Consultant

Ben Swain, BCS Agribusiness

Sandy McEachern, Holmes Sackett
It’s ewe time! Jamestown, Karoonda and Naracoorte, SA – March 2019

Nigel Gosse, Australian Wool Innovation

Helen McGregor, Redefining Agriculture

Daniel Schuppan, Landmark

Colin Trengove, University of Adelaide

Geoff Lindon, Australian Wool Innovation

Richard Apps, Meat & Livestock Australia

Hilary Beech, Holmes Sackett

Simon Vogt, Rural Directions
It’s ewe time! Birchip & Benalla, Victoria and Deniliquin, NSW – February 2019

Alana McEwan, Meat & Livestock Australia

Hamish Dickson, AgriPartner Consulting

Rob Inglis, Elders

Ben Swain, BCS Agribusiness

Helen McGregor, Redefining Agriculture

Hilary Beech, Holmes Sackett
It’s ewe time! Dubbo & Walgett, NSW and Dirranbandi, Queensland – August 2018

Emily King, Australian Wool Innovation

Hamish Dickson, AgriPartner Consulting

Geoff Duddy, Sheep Solutions

Ben Swain, BCS Agribusiness

Matt Playford, Dawbuts

Simon Vogt, Rural Directions

Mark Gardner, Vanguard Business Services
It’s ewe time! Longreach, Tambo & Mitchell, Queensland – August 2018

Ted Parish, Meat & Livestock Australia

Geoff Lindon, Australian Wool Innovation

Hamish Chandler, Meat & Livestock Australia

Andrea McKenzie, DAF

Brecken Curtis, Sprout Agribusiness
It’s ewe time! Cooma, Gunning & Cowra, NSW – July 2018

It’s ewe time! Hamilton, Victoria – August 2017

It’s ewe time! Northam, WA – August 2017

It’s ewe time! Esperance, WA – August 2017

It’s ewe time! Wagga Wagga, NSW – August 2017

Hamish Chandler, Meat & Livestock Australia

Dr Helen McGregor, Achieve AG Solutions

Emily King, Australian Wool Innovation

Dr Bruce Allworth, Charles Sturt University

Daniel Brown, Meat & Livestock Australia

Hamish Dickson, AgriPartner Consulting

Basil Doonan, Macquarie Franklin

Andrew Ritchie, Icon Agriculture
It’s ewe time! Ceduna, Kimba & Cummins, SA – August 2017