Tool 12.11 Photo standards
Tool 12.11 Photo standards
Generic photo standards have been developed by a number of organisations to assist in estimating feed availability for different plant communities and for a range of seasonal conditions. These provide a useful guide for estimating the amount of dry matter available.
However, it is important to understand the assumptions on which the dry matter figures are determined; was the estimate based on grazing down to ‘bare ground’ or on grazing to a level that will result in good regrowth (e.g. 30% utilisation)?
It is relatively easy to develop a customised set of photo standards for a property by combining quadrat or plant cuts with photo standards. To increase the accuracy of this process, it is best if the plant material is dried and weighed, rather than the dry weight being based on estimated dry matter.
These photographs can then be used as an indicator of stocking rate on an ongoing basis. This assists in achieving consistency with estimates between seasons and in situations where there are a number of people involved in undertaking the FOO estimates.
Look up photo standards at the following signposts.

The Feed on Offer Library allows users to estimate FOO and nutritive value of grazed pastures.

A essential tool in good grazing land management. They will help you develop pasture budgets and dry season business management plans. There are photo standards and corresponding pasture yields for many of Queensland’s common pasture communities (based on region or pasture species).