Tool 5.8 Wild dogs and feral pigs
Tool 5.8 Wild dogs and feral pigs
Wild dogs and feral pigs cause considerable economic and environmental damage. AWI and MLA have invested in research and development to assist in their control. Some resources to help producers understand control options and available products can be found below.
Various State Government Departments of Primary Industries as well as AWI and MLA also have useful resources on their websites.
Additional wild dog management information and advice can be found on the National Wild Dog Action Plan website.

To support woolgrowers in reducing the impact pest animals have, AWI continues to invest heavily in vertebrate pest control including direct assistance to community based vertebrate pest control programs, research into and development of new and emerging technologies which will enhance producers' abilities to detect, deter and/or destroy vertebrate pest challenges and capacity training for the producer and service sector.

MLA invests in pest management research and development (R&D) to eradicate and control invasive mammals and pests that threaten livestock health and the productivity and profitability of the Australian red meat industry.

Provides information and guidance on best practice invasive animal management on several key vertebrate pest species, including wild dogs. Information is provided as fact sheets, case-studies, technical manuals and research reports.

Provides information and guidance on best practice invasive animal management on several key vertebrate pest species, including feral pigs. Information is provided as fact sheets, case-studies, technical manuals and research reports.