MMFS Modules

Making More From Sheep is a best practice package of management information and tools for Australian sheep producers, developed by AWI and MLA.
The Making More From Sheep (MMFS) Manual is designed to help sheep producers increase the productivity and profitability of their enterprises and the personal satisfaction of operating a successful farming business. It doesn’t matter where you start as there's information in the modules which fits right across the sheep production enterprise. Browse individual Modules below.

Business & People

Module 1 Plan for Success

Module 2 Market Focused Wool Production

Module 3 Market Focused Lamb and Sheepmeat Production

Module 4 Capable and Confident People
Natural Resources & Feed

Module 5 Protect Your Farm’s Natural Assets

Module 6 Healthy Soils

Module 7 Grow More Pasture

Module 8 Turn Pasture into Product
Sheep Production & Management

Module 9 Boost Business with Breeding

Module 10 Wean More Lambs

Module 11 Healthy and Contented Sheep
Pastoral Production