Tool 10.2 Lambing Planner
This tool provides a systematic basis for planning the management calendar for the breeding flock.
The Planner allows you to place the lambing arrow on the desired lambing date. This action then automatically sets other important dates in your breeding calendar. Consider the Planner as a prompting device.
Commencing at 75 days prior to joining your ewes it will sequentially identify husbandry issues consistent with best practices. You can also use the Planner to visualise the affect changing your time of lambing will have on key management practices.
Producers should consider all prompts as they occur. Depending on their circumstances, particularly ewe stimulation and nutritional issues, some items on the wheel may be optional or unnecessary for your flock.
Remember the percentage of lambs conceived, marked and survived will make a significant contribution to sheep profit.
The Lambing Planner is available as a hard copy or can be downloaded as an app. For instructions on ordering and downloading the Planner, visit