Making More from Sheep Australian Wool Innovation Limited Meat & Livestock Australia
Making More from Sheep




Module 1: Plan For Success

Tool 1.1  SWOT analysis  
Tool 1.2   A simple process for setting goals and objectives  
Tool 1.3  How to prepare a business plan 
Tool 1.4 Discussion starters for imagining the future 
Tool 1.5  Photo Voice  
Tool 1.6 MLA cost of production calculator for lamb enterprises 
Tool 1.7 AWI cost of production calculator for wool enterprises 
Tool 1.8 MLA cost of production calculator for beef enterprises 
Tool 1.9 Indicative industry benchmarks  
Tool 1.10 A farm business risk assessment template and drought example 
Tool 1.11 A partial budget template 
Tool 1.12 The SGS one-page planning process 
Tool 1.13 Making More From Sheep cost of production calculator - sheep & wool

Module 2: Market Focused Wool Production

Tool 2.1  Simplified flow of the wool pipeline
Tool 2.2  Influence of physical characteristics on wool price 
Tool 2.3  The Merino Dark and Medullated Fibre Risk scheme
Tool 2.4 Planning guidelines for shearing, wool preparation and classing
Tool 2.5 Specifications for environmentally assured wool
Tool 2.6 Guidelines for reducing chemical residues

Module 3: Market Focused Lamb And Sheepmeat Production

Tool 3.1  Lamb growth planner
Tool 3.2  Potential markets and specifications for sheepmeat
Tool 3.3  Fat scoring lambs and sheep
Tool 3.4 Lamb production check list
Tool 3.5 MSA production guidelines for lamb and sheepmeat
Tool 3.6 MSA Sheepmeat processing guide
Tool 3.7 Factors affecting carcase quality and value
Tool 3.8 Selling options for sheep and lambs
Tool 3.9 Selecting the appropriate marketing option 
Tool 3.10 MLA market information

Module 4: Capable And Confident Producers

Tool 4.1  Steps for establishing your business agreement
Tool 4.2 The difference between dialogue and debate
Tool 4.3  Understanding different communication styles
Tool 4.4 Developing shared values, personal and business goals
Tool 4.5 Your preferred learning style
Tool 4.6 Work–life balance exercise

Module 5: Protect Your Farm’s Natural Assets

Tool 5.1 Indicators of saline land
Tool 5.2 Stock water requirements
Tool 5.3 The 3D approach to weed management
Tool 5.4 Weed CRC weed control tactics
Tool 5.5 Best practice guidelines for salt land
Tool 5.6 Rabbit control options
Tool 5.7 Fox control options
Tool 5.8 Establishing a photopoint
Tool 5.9 Before and after photographs
Tool 5.10 Species identification resources
Tool 5.11 Monitoring and assessment tools
Tool 5.12 Wild dogs and feral pigs
Tool 5.13
Tool 5.14
Tool 5.15

Module 6: Healthy Soils

Tool 6.1 A guide to assessing land capability
Tool 6.2 Measuring groundcover and litter levels
Tool 6.3 Assessing soil health
Tool 6.4 Taking a soil sample for laboratory testing
Tool 6.5 Soil health benchmarks and guidelines for managing problem soils

Module 7: Grow More Pasture

Tool 7.1 Determining priorities for growing more pasture
Tool 7.2 Fertiliser test strips
Tool 7.3 Interpreting soil tests
Tool 7.4 Guidelines for fertiliser application
Tool 7.5 Grazing management guidelines for individual species
Tool 7.6 Pasture assessment techniques

Module 8: Turn Pasture Into Product

Tool 8.1  MLA rainfall to pasture growth outlook tool
Tool 8.2  Daily pasture growth estimates
Tool 8.3  MLA feed demand calculator
Tool 8.4 Feed budgeting template
Tool 8.5  Feed year plan template
Tool 8.6 Pasture rulers, sticks and meters
Tool 8.7 Getting started in simple rotational grazing

Module 9: Gain from Genetics

Tool 9.1  Sheep CRC wether calculator
Tool 9.2  Sheep CRC Merino versus terminal sire flock model
Tool 9.3 Australian Sheep Breeding Value definitions
Tool 9.4 Breeding values explained
Tool 9.5  Using a percentile band table
Tool 9.6 Understanding Sheep Genetics breeding values
Tool 9.7 Sheep Genetics indexes
Tool 9.8 Valuing genetic merit for fleece weight
Tool 9.9 Valuing genetic merit for growth weight
Tool 9.10 On-farm fibre measurement (OFFM) calculator
Tool 9.11 Simultaneous assortment of sheep into joining flocks

Module 10: Wean More Lambs

Tool 10.1  Condition scoring
Tool 10.2  The lambing planner
Tool 10.3  How the “ram effect” works
Tool 10.4 Recommended condition score and fat score targets for ewes
Tool 10.5 Bodyweight targets for weaners and young ewes
Tool 10.6 Ram check list
Tool 10.7 Pregnancy scanning of ewes
Tool 10.8 Check list for new-born lamb mortalities

Module 11: Healthy And Contented Sheep

Tool 11.1 Energy and protein requirements of sheep
Tool 11.2  Condition score targets for all sheep classes
Tool 11.3 Template for a management calendar
Tool 11.4 Calculating the cost of energy and protein for common feeds
Tool 11.5  Bodyweight targets for weaners and young ewes
Tool 11.6 Water quality for sheep
Tool 11.7 Diagnosis and management of trace element deficiencies
Tool 11.8 Guidelines for management of worms
Tool 11.9 Detection and management of drench resistance
Tool 11.10 Guidelines for the management of liver fluke
Tool 11.11 Guidelines for the management of flystrike
Tool 11.12 Guidelines for the prevention of clostridial diseases and cheesy gland
Tool 11.13 Diagnosis of important diseases 
Tool 11.14 Analysing the risk of potential sources of disease
Tool 11.15 Quarantine periods for important sheep diseases
Tool 11.16 Principles of control and eradication of footrot, lice and OJD
Tool 11.17 Common sheep diseases and predisposing factors
Tool 11.18 Zoonotic diseases of sheep
Tool 11.19 Check list of on-farm animal welfare compliance

Module 12: Efficient Pastoral Production

Tool 12.1 Prepare a property inventory
Tool 12.2 Prepare a property plan
Tool 12.3 Conduct a water audit for your property
Tool 12.4 Develop a vision statement
Tool 12.5 Management calendar
Tool 12.6 Make an action plan for efficiency and innovation in your operation
Tool 12.7 Define your grazing management goals
Tool 12.8 Grazing management practices
Tool 12.9 Condition scoring of sheep
Tool 12.10 Estimate Food on Offer (FOO)
Tool 12.11 Taking quadrat or plant cuts
Tool 12.12 Photo standards
Tool 12.13 Establishing and monitoring trigger points
Tool 12.14 Calculate DSE’s for your property
Tool 12.15 Assessing total grazing pressure
Tool 12.16 Controlling foxes
Tool 12.17 Controlling wild dogs
Tool 12.18 Controlling feral pigs
Tool 12.19 Grazing Land Management Program gateways
Tool 12.20 Recognise and minimise decline in landscape function
Tool 12.21 Invasive native scrub control – establish a plan of management